Modern Game Engine Assignment

Install Piccolo Game Engine

GitHub Repo for Piccolo Game Engine

Firstly, Following the instructions to set up the project for the device platform.

In my case, I am using a MacBook Air M1. Everything is supposed to be fine when running

cmake -S . -B build -G "Xcode"

However, my case report CMake error for no CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER. Command sudo xcode-select --reset is not working here. To solve it, I needed to first run

xcrun -find c++
xcrun -find cc

Then, run

cmake -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER="/path/to/your/c/compiler/executable" -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/path/to/your/cpp/compiler/executable" -S . -B build -G "Xcode"

Now, the project is ready to be open in Xcode. Here, there are also two settings one should pay attention:

  1. Set the default C++ complier to be C++17 since this project utilized some new features.

Compiler Version

  1. Set the PiccoloEditor project as the Startup project for building.


Now, the editor should looks like:


Color Grading

In pilot/engine/shader/glsl/color_grading.frag, my first version of implementation is

layout(input_attachment_index = 0, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform highp subpassInput in_color;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler2D color_grading_lut_texture_sampler;
layout(location = 0) out highp vec4 out_color;

void main()
    highp ivec2 lut_tex_size = textureSize(color_grading_lut_texture_sampler, 0);
    highp float _COLORS      = float(lut_tex_size.y);
    highp vec4 color         = subpassLoad(in_color).rgba;
    highp float cell         = floor(color.b * 15.0); // len, 15 currently
    highp float x_half       = 0.5 / 256.0; // read from center 0.5/width
    highp float y_half       = 0.5 / 16.0; // read from center 0.5/height
    highp vec2 uv            = vec2(
        x_half + color.r / _COLORS * (15.0 / _COLORS) + cell / _COLORS,
        y_half + color.g * (15.0 / _COLORS));
    highp vec4 color_sampled = texture(color_grading_lut_texture_sampler, uv);
    out_color = color_sampled;

The result looks like

Result 1

However, this is method did not interpolate the color between blue channel. To achieve this, we do another interpolation between both ceil and floor cells.

layout(input_attachment_index = 0, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform highp subpassInput in_color;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler2D color_grading_lut_texture_sampler;
layout(location = 0) out highp vec4 out_color;

void main()
    highp ivec2 lut_tex_size = textureSize(color_grading_lut_texture_sampler, 0);
    highp float _COLORS      = float(lut_tex_size.y);
    highp vec4 color         = subpassLoad(in_color).rgba;
    highp float cell         = color.b * 15.0; // for interpoation
    highp float cell_l       = floor(color.b * 15.0); // len, 15 currently
    highp float cell_r       = ceil(color.b * 15.0);
    highp float x_half       = 0.5 / 256.0; // read from center 0.5/width
    highp float y_half       = 0.5 / 16.0; // read from center 0.5/height
    highp vec2 uv_l          = vec2(
        x_half + color.r / _COLORS * (15.0 / _COLORS) + cell_l / _COLORS,
        y_half + color.g * (15.0 / _COLORS));
    highp vec2 uv_r          = vec2(
        x_half + color.r / _COLORS * (15.0 / _COLORS) + cell_r / _COLORS,
        y_half + color.g * (15.0 / _COLORS));
    highp vec4 color_l       = texture(color_grading_lut_texture_sampler, uv_l);
    highp vec4 color_r       = texture(color_grading_lut_texture_sampler, uv_r);
    highp vec4 mid_color     = mix(color_l, color_r, fract(cell));
    out_color = mid_color;

The result now looks like:

Result 2

The difference in the cloud is noticeable. The interpolation makes it more natural and smooth.


Grading tutorial